The Andes, Volcanoes and Tall Palms
Colombia is on its way back. Tourism has returned, finally. Still, there are not enough travelers that have Colombia high enough on their list. It is a beautiful place with high mountains, water falls, volcanoes and hot springs. It's people definitely have a "can do" attitude. It has great coffee and a whole lot more.
Day 1 - Medellin
Arrive in Medellin and check things out. We stay in Laureles which has plenty of nearby restaurants, but is also quiet enough that you can relax and take in the sights and sounds of Medellin.
Day 2 - Santa Fe de Antioquia
We climb out of town. We use what locals call "the forgotten road". That is because there is a new highway in the valley that cuts straight through a mountain. You wouldn't want to use that even if bikes were allowed. There is no traffic. After the top it is a tremendous descent all the way to San Geronimo. After that things level out and we rejoin the main road. Santa fe is a town with lots of atmosphere and some colonial architecture
Day 3 - La Pintada
We bike to Bolombolo and then continue on to La Pintada. The entire distance is close to the Cauca River and the route is flat. We remain at around around 600 meters of elevation for the entire distance. That's about 1000 meters lower then Medellin. What we lack in climbing we will likely make up for in heat. This will undoubtedly be our hottest day in Colombia.
Day 4 - Aguadas
We follow the river for about 12 miles before climbing out of the Cauca River Valley to Aguadas along a gravel road. Aquadas will be a relief as it is higher and more temporate. Aguadas is known for its Sombrero Aguadeño, which is similar to a wide brim Panama hat.
Day 5 - Salamina
We head into the prime coffee growing region of Colombia as we make our way to Salamina. Salamina is a lovely town with lots of colonial architecture, ornate windows and carved doors. It's a good place to wander around, have some coffee and relax.
Day 6 - Manizales
We have a longer day today to get all the way to Manizales. Manizales is a larger town that is the center of production of Colombian Coffee. It has a Cathedral, a cable car system, is overlooked by a volcano. Overlooking it all is the the Monumento de Colonizadores, huge bronze work dedicated to colonists sitting on the ridge above town.
Day 7 - Santa Rosa de Cabal
We descend down some of the steep streets of Manizales to the Pam American Highway before taking a side road to Santa Rosa de Cabal. Santa Rosa is known for its hot springs. If we have the time it is definitely worth a visit.
Day 8 - Salento
From Santa Rosa we make our way to Solento. It's not an easy ride to Solento, but we think it is well worth it. The town is great and serves the jumping off point for a lot of people heading to the true back country of Colombia.
Day 9 - Salento
Rest day in Solento. Solento is next to Cocora Valley which is known for the Wax Palm Tree, the national symbol of Colombia. It's a short jeep ride to the valley where there are some lovely hikes and a spectacular waterfall.
Solento is also the gateway to Los Nevados National Park and at the nearby "Mirador" you can see the snow capped peak of the 5311 meter high Nevado de Ruiz volcano in the distance.
Day 10 - Cajamarca
Today is a big ride because we cross over what is known as "La Linea". La Linea is simply the demarcation line between two Colombian destricts but, for cyclists, it is one of the most famous climbs in Colombia. We take a backroad which take us through remote areas very few visitors ever see. This is an area that is perfectly safe now, but no so long ago was controlled by rebels.
Day 11 - Bogota
Today we transfer thru Ibague all the way to Bogota. Bogota is a sprawling city that has an edge to it. If at all possible take the walking tour to check out the incredible artwork and also the cable car up to the Church on top of 3100 meter tall Mt. Monserrat for a dramatic view of the entire city. The Gold Museum is also a must see.
We'll have a one last dinner in Bogota. There are plenty of restaurants.

11 nites accommodations.
Dinners (except first night in Medellin and 2 nights in Solento)
Transport of baggage
Stocked Sag Vehicle
Vehicle transfers

Visas (not needed for US Citizens).
Beer, wine, booze
Lunches are excluded. There are many places to stop and eat along the way and food is relatively inexpensive. In certain spots where no choice is available, lunch arrangements will be made and is included.
Immunizations from your doctor or travel clinic.
Airport transfers- easy to arrange - we will give you instructions.
Bicycles, but rental bikes are available.
Hot Springs, historical sites, or anything you independently decide to do.